

2015-02-17 15:06:00  來源:  字號:【亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:】  瀏覽:324

1、 為使涂裝達到完(wan)美(mei)效(xiao)果,我公(gong)司建(jian)議(yi):對于尚未找平(ping)的地(di)面(mian)我公(gong)司參與工地(di)的水泥(ni)找平(ping)層(ceng)的找平(ping)處理。土建(jian)方找平(ping)時,在(zai)水泥(ni)初凝(ning)時用我公(gong)司專業地(di)面(mian)機械(xie)對地(di)面(mian)進行磨平(ping)處理。在(zai)此(ci)基礎上所做的環氧涂裝層(ceng)的表面(mian)效(xiao)果會更(geng)平(ping)整(zheng)、光亮(liang),使用壽命(ming)也會提(ti)高。

1, in order to make the painting to achieve the perfect effect, I suggest: leveling cement screed for not leveling the ground my participation in the site. Construction for peacetime, to ground polished processing in jelling with my company specializes in mechanical ground. The effect of the surface of the epoxy coating on this basis will be more smooth, bright, life will improve.

2、 待水泥(ni)層干燥后(大約 28 天(tian)),用打(da)磨(mo)機對地面進行整體打(da)磨(mo)處(chu)理,使(shi)其表面平整,水泥(ni)毛細孔全(quan)部張開。

2, when the cement layer is dried (about 28 days), on the ground of whole polished by grinding machine, the surface smooth, cement pores fully open.

3、 對于(yu)水泥(ni)地(di)面有油污(食用(yong)油、機(ji)油),先用(yong)專用(yong)洗劑沖洗地(di)表面,反復擦洗,直(zhi)到無油污為止。

Oil 3, for the cement ground (edible oil, oil), first flush using special lotion to the surface, repeated scrubbing, until no oil.

4、 對于地坪(ping)堿性太大( PH>8 )的,先(xian)用專用材料中(zhong)和,然后(hou)用清水(shui)沖洗;

4, the floor too alkaline (PH>8), first with special material and, then rinse with water;

5、 對于潮濕的地面,通過(guo)吸(xi)水(shui)。擦干(gan)(gan),太陽燈照,熱(re)風機吹烘(hong)、燒(shao),使其干(gan)(gan)燥(zao)達到施工要求(qiu)。

5, for the wet ground, through the water. Dry, sun light, hot air blowing drying, burning, dry meet construction requirements.

6、 對(dui)于有舊油漆的(de)地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)(如金剛砂地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)、舊油漆地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)),先用專用機械鏟除(chu)(chu)舊油漆,然后對(dui)不(bu)良水泥(ni)、金剛砂地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)進行處(chu)理同(tong)時對(dui)地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)打毛。地(di)面(mian)(mian)(mian)經過(guo)這樣處(chu)理后,不(bu)牢固的(de)舊水泥(ni)及(ji)金剛砂表面(mian)(mian)(mian)被清除(chu)(chu)掉,并且形成(cheng)粗毛面(mian)(mian)(mian),從而提(ti)高新(xin)涂(tu)層(ceng)的(de)附著力,提(ti)高涂(tu)裝(zhuang)地(di)坪(ping)的(de)使用壽命。

6, for the old paint surface (such as carborundum floor, old paint surface), first with the machinery for the eradication of the old paint, then the bad cement, emery ground processing at the same time on the ground dozen hair. The ground after this treatment, not solid old cement and sand surface is removed, and the formation of rough surface, so as to improve the coating adhesion, improve the service life of the coating.




主(zhu)營銷售(shou):網球場丙烯酸涂(tu)料 壁(bi)球彈力膠(jiao) 人(ren)造攀(pan)巖板 健身(shen)器材

專業施(shi)工:跑道 人造草 網球(qiu)場(chang) 籃球(qiu)場(chang) 羽毛球(qiu)場(chang) 壁球(qiu)館 泳池 攀巖 健(jian)身(shen)房 高爾夫球場 體育場館設施




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