塑膠跑道又稱全天候(hou)田徑運動跑道(dao), 由(you)聚氨(an)酯預(yu)聚體、混合聚醚、廢輪胎橡膠(jiao)、EPDM橡膠(jiao)粒或PU顆粒、顏料(liao)、助(zhu)劑、填料(liao)組(zu)成。塑膠(jiao)跑道(dao)具有平整度(du)好、抗壓(ya)強度(du)高、硬度(du)單性適當、物理(li)性能穩定(ding)的(de)(de)特(te)性,有利于運動員速度(du)和技術(shu)的(de)(de)發揮,有效地(di)提高運動成績,降(jiang)低摔傷率。塑膠(jiao)跑道(dao)是由(you)聚氨(an)酯橡膠(jiao)等材(cai)料(liao)組(zu)成的(de)(de),具有一定(ding)的(de)(de)彈性和色彩(cai),具有一定(ding)的(de)(de)抗紫(zi)外線能力(li)和耐老化力(li)是國際上公認的(de)(de)最佳全天候(hou)室(shi)外運動場地(di)地(di)坪材(cai)料(liao)。
Plastic runway is also called all-weather athletics track, the polyurethane prepolymer, mixed polyether, waste tire rubber, EPDM rubber particle or PU particles, pigments, additives, fillers. Plastic runway with the formation characteristics of good, high compressive strength, hardness, unisexual appropriate stable physical properties, is conducive to the athletes speed and skill to play, effectively improve athletic performance, reduce fall rate. Plastic runway is composed of polyurethane rubber and other materials, has a certain flexibility and color, has a certain anti ultraviolet and aging resistance force is internationally recognized as the best all-weather outdoor sports ground floor materials.
Performance characteristics
All-weather use: any season and temperature, can maintain a high standard of quality, after the rain the more immediate use, the increased use of time, improve space utilization rate. Elastic: having moderate Samsung and resilience, can reduce the consumption of physical strength, enhance the competition results. Impact absorption: moderate buffer foot impact force, reduce sports injuries, long-term relationship and games are suitable.
耐壓(ya)縮性(xing):不會(hui)因為(wei)田勁器(qi)材的(de)(de)重(zhong)壓(ya)而無法恢復彈性(xing)。 抗釘力:在受(shou)到(dao)最大使(shi)(shi)用最頻(pin)繁(fan)的(de)(de)百(bai)米起跑點,也不會(hui)受(shou)到(dao)釘鞋或起跑架(jia)破壞。 耐沖(chong)擊(ji)性(xing):具有強韌(ren)的(de)(de)彈性(xing)層及緩(huan)沖(chong)層,可緩(huan)沖(chong)和吸收(shou)強勁的(de)(de)沖(chong)擊(ji),表(biao)明不會(hui)受(shou)損。平坦性(xing):施工時使(shi)(shi)用自流平材料,表(biao)面平坦,能符合特別平坦的(de)(de)比(bi)賽場地要求(qiu)。粘接(jie)性(xing):特殊施工處理。粘接(jie)力強,可壓(ya)制(zhi)水(shui)分上升,無氣泡、剝(bo)離等(deng)現(xian)象。安全性(xing):可防止跌倒所發生的(de)(de)運動傷害。
Compression: not because of Tian Jin equipment weight cannot restore elasticity. Anti nails stress: in the biggest the most frequent use of 100 meters at the starting point, will not be running or starting block damage. Impact resistance: has the strong elastic layers and buffer layer, buffer and absorb the strong shocks, that will not be damaged. Flat: the use of self leveling material, during the construction of surface flat, can meet the special flat venue. Adhesive: special construction process. Strong adhesion, can suppress the water rose, no bubbles, peeling and other phenomena. Safety: sports injuries can prevent falls occurred.
主營銷售(shou):網(wang)球(qiu)場丙烯酸(suan)涂料 壁球(qiu)彈(dan)力膠 人造攀巖板 健身(shen)器材
專業施工:跑道 人造草(cao) 網球場(chang) 籃球場(chang) 羽(yu)毛球場(chang) 壁(bi)球館 泳池 攀(pan)巖 健(jian)身房(fang) 高爾(er)夫球(qiu)場(chang)(chang) 體育場(chang)(chang)館設施
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