

2015-02-17 14:53:58  來源:  字號:【亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:】  瀏覽:403



1, the silicon PU surface course durability is quite good, the surface layer of course very resistant to the sun, can prevent ultraviolet ray. The rain and the ozone and so on, is not easy to bend, decolorization, dirt, etc., can be used for more than 8 years.


2, the silicon PU surface course professional is very good, the structure of surface layer is designed according to the international standard golf course requirements, can meet a variety of professional game.


3, the silicon PU level is very economic, the cost is not high, the service life is long, but what does not need special maintenance, need only usually use broom sweep on the line.


4, the silicon PU surface course is a very environmentally friendly products, materials containing components are up to GB18581-2001 "interior decoration decoration materials limit of harmful substances" standard, and obtain a certificate of environmental protection. Products in use and construction process, does not produce toxic or harmful substances, is a real environmental protection products. So you can rest assured that the use of.


主(zhu)營銷售:網球場丙烯酸涂料(liao) 壁球彈力(li)膠 人造攀巖板 健(jian)身器材

專(zhuan)業施(shi)工:跑道 人造草 網球場 籃球場 羽(yu)毛(mao)球場 壁球館 泳池 攀(pan)巖(yan) 健身房 高爾夫球場 體育(yu)場館設施




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