

2015-02-17 15:11:05  來源:  字號:【亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:】  瀏覽:324

丙烯酸材料完全符合環保(bao)要求,適(shi)用(yong)(yong)于(yu)專業選手競賽和訓練使用(yong)(yong)。具有(you)防(fang)(fang)水(shui)、防(fang)(fang)曬、防(fang)(fang)滑(hua)等特點,在(zai)室內外瀝青(qing)或水(shui)泥(ni)面(mian)基(ji)面(mian)上均可進行鋪設。性價比極具競爭力,色澤鮮艷(yan),有(you)多種顏(yan)色可供選擇,為運動(dong)員提供優良(liang)的(de)運動(dong)環境。極佳的(de)耐磨性能,保(bao)證(zheng)其較長的(de)使用(yong)(yong)壽命。無毒、無石棉,100% 丙烯(xi)酸樹脂(zhi)組(zu)成(cheng),完全屬于(yu)環保(bao)產品,對(dui)(dui)人體不會產生危害(hai)。適(shi)用(yong)(yong)于(yu)各種氣候環境,在(zai)紫外線(xian)照射的(de)情況(kuang)下野(ye)能夠(gou)保(bao)證(zheng)顏(yan)色持久不褪(tun)。根據(ju)地面(mian)基(ji)礎狀況(kuang),使用(yong)(yong)壽命長可達(da)8-10 年。由于(yu)其優良(liang)的(de)彈性與抗(kang)沖擊性能,對(dui)(dui)運動(dong)員的(de)腿(tui)部關(guan)節(jie)能起(qi)到(dao)很好的(de)保(bao)護(hu)作用(yong)(yong)。對(dui)(dui)網球愛好者健(jian)身及比賽活(huo)動(dong)都非常合適(shi)。

Acrylic materials in full compliance with environmental requirements, applicable to professional athletes and the training to use. With a waterproof, sunscreen, anti slip characteristics, can be used in indoor and outdoor asphalt or cement surface surface laying. Price competitive, bright color, a variety of colors to choose from, provide good environment for athletes in sports. Excellent anti-wear performance, ensure its long service life. Non-toxic, non asbestos, 100% acrylic resin composition, completely belongs to environmental protection product, the harm to the human body will not. Applicable to all kinds of climate and environment, to ensure lasting color does not fade in the ultraviolet irradiation conditions to. According to the ground conditions, long service life can reach 8-10 years. Because of its excellent flexibility and impact resistance, the athletes of the leg joints can have very good protection effect. The tennis fitness activities and competitions are very appropriate.


Acrylic stadium advantage in tennis

1 場(chang)地平坦,不受氣候條(tiao)件的影響。

1 ground flat, is not affected by weather conditions.

2 彈性好、耐磨、防(fang)滑、整體性強。

2 good elasticity, anti-skid, wear-resistant, strong integrity.


3 is conducive to improve athletic performance.


4 color appearance, easy maintenance,

5 彈跳自如,腳感舒(shu)適,減(jian)少受傷(shang),有利于青少年的生長發育。

5 jumping freely, comfortable Jiaogan, reduce injuries, is conducive to the growth and development of young people.





主(zhu)營(ying)銷售:網(wang)球(qiu)場丙烯酸(suan)涂料 壁(bi)球(qiu)彈力膠(jiao) 人(ren)造攀巖(yan)板 健身器材(cai)

專業(ye)施工:跑道 人造草 網球(qiu)場(chang) 籃球(qiu)場(chang) 羽毛球(qiu)場(chang) 壁球(qiu)館 泳(yong)池 攀巖 健身房 高爾夫球場 體育(yu)場館(guan)設施




 電話:010-87917588   010-87917166

 手機(ji):13701062944    18911880255




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