

2015-02-17 15:36:27  來源:  字號:【亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:  亞洲黃色視頻:】  瀏覽:348


1, the construction temperature: the temperature is over 12 DEG C, stadium acrylic paint is easy to aging, and more than 36 ℃ coating blister.


2, to test the waters: the sprinkler, to test the flatness of the ground, mark the obvious depression.


3, repair: reinforced asphalt filler mix appropriate amount of quartz sand and water filled depressions, floor, reduce the phenomenon of water.


4, marking: Stadium acrylic pigment concentrates painted white standard pitch line two.


5, the surface layer: mixing appropriate amount of quartz sand and water with acrylic pigment concentrates, scraping two layers, with wear-resisting function increased acrylic stadium.


6, middle: acrylic stadium reinforcing filler mixed sand, water, stirring after coating a layer, in order to strengthen the bonding surface layer and the bottom layer.


7, the bottom: mixing with reinforced asphalt filler sand, water, PU coated with two layers of leveling the ground, and the acrylic ball scene more adhesive coating.



主營銷售:網球(qiu)場丙烯(xi)酸(suan)涂料 壁球(qiu)彈力膠(jiao) 人(ren)造攀巖板 健身器材

專業施工:跑道 人(ren)造草 網球場 籃(lan)球場 羽(yu)毛(mao)球場 壁球館 泳池 攀巖 健身房 高爾夫(fu)球場(chang) 體育(yu)場(chang)館設施(shi)





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